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Feasibility Audits, Requirements Assesments & Quarry Evaluation


An auditor must determine that the appropriate evaluation criteria should be established in advance of the feasibility decision and the feasibility process that has proceeded in an unbiased manner in order to ensure that the IT (Information technology) requirements of the organization are met in the most efficient and effective way. The feasibility study must cover points such as a clear statement of the business and information processing requirements that the new or amended system is intended to cover. This chapter looks at the auditor’s role in feasibility studies and conversions.


Environmental impact assessment is a decision making tool to predictthe effect of a proposed activity/ project on the environment, tocompare various alternatives for a project and to identify bestcombination of economic, environmental and social costs and benefits.


Coal mining is the process of extracting the coal from the deepunderground mines in the earth crust. Coal mining is one of the mostillegal activities going on in the country. At the same time it totallyneglects the role of EIA in its pre-operational, during mining and post.


Operational plans. Here various case studies of coal mining are doneand the impact of coal mining to the environment is looked into withsome measures to mitigate this problem with proper use of technologyand generation of awareness. The impact of coal mining on land,water, health of workers, air and social impact on surrounding villagesand cities is evaluated and environment management plan of coalmining is developed. Therefore, the coal has to be used sustainably ascoal reserves are depleting rapidly.


Coal is a non-renewable fossil fuel Formed from the remains of plants that lived anddied about 100 to 400 million years ago. Depth, thickness, and configuration ofminerals resource decide the selection of mining technology (open cast orunderground).Minerals exploitation progresses through four stages: Prospecting meanssearch for deposits. Exploration: Once the deposit is assured, this is done to assess thesize, shape, location and economic value of the deposit. Development – Work ofpreparing access to the deposit so that the coal can be extracted. Depending on the content of volatiles, coal is classified into Lignite,Sub-bituminous coal, Bituminous coal and Anthracite. Open cast mining andunderground mining (room pillar, long wall, drift, shaft, slope mining) are some typesof coal mining. Proper Environment impact assessment of coal mining is veryimportant.

Environment and Social issues related to coal mining
Mitigation and Environment management plan